How to Make Money By Becoming A Commercial Cleaning Consultant | Constance Siaflas

With the huge new business boom in the past five years, cleaning consultants have made a lot of money. What is a cleaning consultant? A cleaning consultant is a person who analyzes the company's cleaning costs and recommends ways to save cleaning costs. Cleaning consultants can make money from the companies that are screened, and they can also make money from the referral fees that cleaning companies charge for referrals. Becoming a cleaning consultant is relatively easy. The first thing to do is to understand how the cleaning company works, the services they provide, and the current cleaning rates in your area. Constance Siaflas, a consultant in Australia . She shares her views regarding the learning of Consultants. If you check the phone book, there are a large number of cleaning companies in every city in the country. Due to the fierce competition in today's commercial cleaning industry, most of these companies will be happy to pay you a referral ...